Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Heart For You

Sharing a little more "love" to you on this day before Valentine's Day. This card was made to be distressed...I think my favorite style. I started with white American Crafts cardstock that I stamped with a CHF background stamp (Vintage Chintz I believe its called) in black and then added some red, pink and brown ink which mostly covered it over but gives more a textural feel which is what I wanted. Then I added a piece of texturized pink cardstock which I did with my Big Kick I got for Christmas...which I am really enjoying...and added some eyelets to the corners there. Then I added a bit of Martha Stewart paper tape and another pink texturized square, which you've seen earlier this week which I outlined in white and then used a little Martha Stewart stamp to add the inner message. Finally I stamped Tim Holtz's XO stamp several times in brown on white paper, colored the X and O and then cut them out seperately and added them all over the page. I must say this year I really was in a heart mood and made tons of cards for this usually go by with only a glance (in my house)  holiday.
So today I am going to do a bit of studio organizing-YAHOO-I can't stand it in there- I've NEVER in all my life had such a messy won't finish the cleaning by a long shot but only want to push my back a tiny bit plus Dave got my shelves I picked up at IKEA assembled last evening- they're just a DVD stand so not exactly going to hold mega-supplies but should hold some things I want held. Also need to assembled my Valentine gifts and do some art...yesterday never made it at all in the studio since we went out car shopping for the hubby a bit (not rushing to buy on but his Passat is 10 years old with 275,000 miles on it) and hit the grocery store and needed to vac up the first floor...always so many chores, isn't there?
Anyhow, Happy Sunday. Enjoy your Day!

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