Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mid-week arrives

Its already Wednesday...well, it hasn't gone quite that fast since Monday...but I will so say far, this week isn't dragging. I got home last night to discover Harley had ripped up the rug under my studio table, pull stuff out of a bin and made a HUGE MESS!  GGGRRRR#%*&!!!!! He has noise phobia and its getting worse as he ages, and now that he's 11. Poor babyboy...but grrr...makes me rather aggrevated too.  My studio is alrady a  disaster...and there seems to be no time to clean or if there back is sore.  I can't stand it its so messy!!!! But after I cleaned up after the dog...well I left the rug mess to show the hubby-Dave's due home late from a meeting-and I want him to see the ruined edge of the rug. Between there and the back of my bathroom door that Harl has eaten and clawed...poor Babyboy...poor my house!
So todays card is a bit of the Irish for you...using the set from Tweety Jill and  I bought awhile back and some other stamps. I started by stamping the Celtic background with a Judikins background stamp. Then I punched out the 4 leaf clover and used the remnants from that as a stencil. I stenciled assorted clovers over the backrgound.  I then stamped the boy from Tweey Jill, colored and cut him out. I punched the tag on polka dot paper and added the boy to that. After attached this, I stamped the postmark (also Tweety Jill) and then punched that out, colored it in and then attached that to the card too. I finally drew on some green scribbled around the edge of the background and attached the clover I punched out and gave it some green Stickles bling. Think  I should go over the edge of my green the perfectionist...and maybe put some green dots in the corners of the Celtic background part...I need to stop doubting what I do also...that only brings you down.
Have a great day and don't let your self doubts bring you down-at all!

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