Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More snow is coming...

Or so the weathermen say. Today and a BIG storm tomorrow.
Will it ever end?
Today, 3-6 inches-bad afternoon drive from the sounds of it. oh YUK! Lets see how long it takes me to get home today.
Tomorrow think we'll be home- could get 20 or more inches-but a foot will be the low end...don't think we'll have school tomorrow.
I should hope not at least.
And it's now February...could this possibly be IT for bad weather?
(no way, too early in the winter!)
Get my arms ready for some shoveling I guess.
In a more upbeat moment-
Here's another of my fleur de lis cards for Valentine's Day. This time a very simple die cut shape, some 7Gypsies tape, a punched circle, a die cut Cupid and some Prima gemstone hearts. Finished off with the word Love by Stampington.

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