Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday is Getting Closer

Can you tell I'm just a little bit excited to get away from the snow? At least I hope I'm getting away from the snow. I've enough of winter, thank you!
So last night I skipped book club which I love to go to but decided I needed to continue the check off the chore list a bit more. I also needed a little nap...but I had laundry to do, labs to grade and wanted to get a few other little things done because this week will wrap up quickly and I need to be ready to leave Saturday morning around 5ish to get to Manchester to catch an 8 a.m. flight. Friday night we have hockey tickets too...so I need to be ready by Thursday.
Oh yes, I am SO into travel mode right now.
Anyhow, since I am in travel mode, here's some photos of my ready to go travel journal...nothing inside since we haven't arrived any place yet except some "finished pages"...you'll see what I mean.

So I like using a blank board book of some sort- just in case it should get jostled in the suitcase the pages won't bend or tear. I covered this with various shades of VIVA paint. I stenciled some letters randomly on there but using the waste sheet of a die cut alphabet. Then I die cut some hinges  and distressed them by first inking them with brown ink and then inking them and embossing them with distressed ink. I attached and added dimensional pearls to fill in the holes and make them look like they were drilled in. The main middle tag is die cut and then inked in tourquoise, distressed with brown and the edges Copic markered. I embossed 2 very large brads to faux attached this to the book and I stamped the journal block and the out vacation words on. The little post card is a bought tage which I adressed with trip info, a stamp sticker I managed to find in my mess and then a postmark. I die cut the stars...some are just inked and some are embossed, some also have dimensional pearls on them. I stamped a few other items and added an old type writer key sticker which I also found in the mess after cleaning up after the dog's disaster last week.
Anyhow, here's a bit of a close up.
 And here's a few inner pages ready load up.
This page I covered with random paper. I stamped distressed dots on the corners and stamped various plane/flight images on the center papers. There's also some 7Gypsies paper tape across the bottom. Then the center orange paper got slightly white with a skim coat of paint. After that dried I punched out 2 circles-1 within the other-so I was left with a ring I could stencil around. Love how that looks!
This page is just a nice way to use up random scraps of paper in my scrap pile.
This is obviously a page for us in Vegas...I stamped card suits on the blank pages then attached some white paper for the center part, outlined it in black marker. In the corners I punched some black horseshoes and attached them.
There's a couple of other papered over pages too...but it will be far more interesting when I get home and its filled with random things and facts and the likes from our trip.
I'll show you more then.

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