Monday, February 7, 2011

Sleepy Monday Morning

I'm actually writing this Sunday night while we watch the Superbowl...not at any parties...couldn't go if I wanted to since my back is still out of commission. Means today all the kids will be dragging though since lots of them stay up to watch the game last night and all the festivities that go along with that. Wondering if there will be any snow in our week...will catch the weather shortly to find out.
3 weeks until vacation and our trip...YEAH! Can't wait for a little snow-free time. HOPEFULLY that is!
And I week until Valentine's day and I have a bunch of cards to show you with a LOVE theme this week. Here's the first. Enjoy!
This was pretty simple...embossed a piece of paper to the same as the card which I then attached, added some Martha Stewart paper tape...stamped the saying on white- its from Studio 490 and I just love that line from the Beatles...most probably most absolute favorite...then I layered 2 white Prima fowers with a punched pink center and a candy heart brad. I zipped up the flowers with red dots and a bit of pink edging-love it.
*** edit at 1:30 p.m.
So I ended up staying home to rest the still sore back...having another day of hanging out in my pjs...definately feel a bit more on the mend...but still can't hope I never have any back issues ever again.

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