Monday, March 28, 2011

Date Nut Bars

Posted Monday but written Sunday night!
Strange title perhaps, but today I made my second batch of date nut bars in the past week...just can't seem to get enough of them.
I made my own filling with dates, a bit of sugar and orange juice- YUMMY and then made crumb top and bottom with some fattening butter but lots of oats too. The recipe is from the Fat Witch Brownie Bakery book...lots of yummy bars and brownies in there.
It was a good weekend-but COLD. The wind was a killer. Went out to lunch and shopping with Katie at T.J. Maxx Saturday and have been watching the NCAA Men's Ice Hockey semi-finals...another game tonight with UNH against Notre Dame. Maine never made it this year-BOO HOO- but that's how the date nut bar crumbles sometimes.
I also did a bit of cleaning and started a French journal...practicing my French phrases and making sketches to help me learn them and visual...just my learning style. I even made the journal using watercolor paper and stitching up the folios...I've shown a few inner spreads beflow but will show you more when more of it gets finished.
I am feeling a bit let down with the way winter is dragging on though...just so long as it doesn't snow this week, and if it gets into the 40's...I think so many people are in downer moods right now around here since the winter is just hanging on and on...we need spring to jump start our joy I think.
Here's the spread from my French journal. I've been writing, doodling and using stamps, Copics and water colors of various sorts to make my pages pop and my memory work to remember more.
Here's another spread. I've only gotten through a few pages but the point isn't just to fill up the book but to work on actually learning some new words and phrases as I go.
Anyhow, happy Monday...enjoy and may you have spring in your neck of the woods.

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