Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm Home

We had a GREAT trip this year...weird without Katie but Dave and I had fun, did lots of exciting things too. Well, we viewed Death Valley which was spectacular and open and you could drive an hour without coming across another car. Plus the desert was starting to bloom and it was beautiful...and then we hit Vegas for 2 nights...also drove out to Lake Mead, Hoover Dam and down on the Colorado River. And we hit Red Rock Canyon on the way into Vegas...and while in Vegas we went to see Cirque Du Soliel's The Beatle's Love...which was fantastic...And we had mostly sunshine-I day with a bit of clouds but only a drop of 2 or rain while in Death Valley, and in Vegas we had 60-70 degrees and in Death Valley it really depended on where you were...most mostly in the 60's...away from our wintery-ish weather here. Love that!!!!!
So here's a few photos to show you...
More to come in the upcoming days!
This is at the park entrance coming in from Beatty, Nevada where we stayed our first night. It worked out well since Beatty is a couple of hours and an easy drive up from Vegas...and as our flight arrived mid-afternoon it was enough time to stock up on water and junk/snack food for the car and get a bite to eat and then we headed to Beatty to crash for the night. Since Beatty is close to the park, it allowed us to get an early start into the park and get a full day of checking it out the next day.
This is again our first day in the park...we are up on a viewpoint called Dante's View and are looking down into Death Valley itself. The white is the salt beds though its looks like water sparkling in the sun.
This is a bit of water at Salt Creek...its very salty water...more than ocean water...which makes sense as most of the whole valley floor is full of salt. The tiny desert pupfish lives here, and I remembering studying them in college. We saw a few swimming around in this tiny stream...and a kangaroo rat too. I must say this landscape is SO different from New Hampshire where we have LOTS of trees and LOTS of water too.
Getting close to sunset in the Valley. Once the sun slid down behind the far mountain range-the Panamints- it got dark and was time to head back to Furnace Creek Ranch where we stayed.
Posting more tomorrow...check back then.
Happy Sunday!

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