Sunday, March 20, 2011


Yes, today spring officially arrives! HURRAY! Not that it always seems very spring like in New Hampshire...but today we have equal day and night and it is spring which means everything is on the UP side of improving.
Yesterday Dave and I went up to my mother-in-laws house...she's been gone all winter and her house has been closed up and not plowed as you'll see below. But we stopped at the grocery store afterwards and they had these sprigs of forsythia out for sale.
Here's me at the end of her driveway. I'm standing on the pile of some snow where a plow had turned around. Her house is down that clearing behind me and through the woods.
Here's Dave trekking in.  And me-below- stuck (practically) in the snowbank right near her front door. It was slightly snowing at the time too.
You can see some melt has happened- our temperatures well above freezing and in the 60's Thursday and Friday have helped.
The lake is still frozen over and with the light snow squall, its foggy and very wintery looking. I wouldn't go out on the ice though...we were  standing on the shore.
As you can see here. Its a pretty view in a wintery way.
Not as pretty as this view was last July 4th though.
Or this one below.
Well, the GOOD news is that the nice weather will be here before we know it.
So yesterday afternoon I did some more cleaning in my studio- it's STILL a big mess, but I made big was so great to get out and walk some yesterday morning that I was really perked up to work. Its getting there...eventually. I don't think I've ever let a space get so messy in my entire life so the work to clean it is CRAZY, but I am trying to weed down my stamp collection to a more manageble reach a point you just get too many. That's my stash right now...but I think today Dave and I are going to walk the snow or mud there since its suppose to be a pretty nice day. Also going to the Kittery Trading post to get my birthday present, some Bogs mud/rain boots I want...hope they have them still. I saw them back in January in the winter...and now that its spring!!!
Happy spring to you.

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