Friday, March 25, 2011

What a Day

Yesterday was an insane day. I ended up getting home very car appointment turned into an almost 3 hour job and work was BUSY and it felt like Friday all day but was only we had snow showers all day...YUK...along with a thousand other small things...and never mind I knew all day how I had to go into the dentist today and get my abcessed tooth worked on some more since a piece broke off the other studio time yesterday...and I really needed studio time because its my release when things get crazy...
But anyhow...
I got LOTS of reading done at the car service center ...I'm trying to finish up a few books that are half done and I've also started this book which I am enjoying a lot...though its not quite as travel centered as I thought but I still like it and would give it high marks for enjoyable light reading. That was a good thing.
And since this book is about travels, I thought I'd show you a couple more photos from our vacation- did it really happen-- it seems so long ago?
This is the Bottle House in Rhyolite, Nevada- a ghost town (my first). This house was made out of beer bottles and adobe...interesting actually. You can see the whole house here-
and then more of a close up of a wall- you can see me snapping in window refection.
Rhyolite is now part of a free stop-- run by the Department of Interior.
As I said, it was my first ghost town.

And I don't think I shared this spread in my travel journal with you either.
Did I mentioned Dave and I are going to North Carolina in July for a week? One of my good friends lives down there and she's celebrating her 50th out on the Outer Banks so we're going for a few days to see her during her special birthday. Then we'll have a few days of sight-seeing/vacation while we're there. I've been to her house in Raleigh, but never out to the Outer Banks. Looking forward to it. The way yesterday went, I wish I was leaving tomorrow.
Happy Friday!

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