Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, Yesterday and then Today

Not to be cliche, but what a difference a day makes!
Here's Sunday!
Dave and I went to York Beach, Maine to walk the beach.
Dave and Harley walking together!
I have no idea who this family is but its kind of cool the way their standing looking at the little flock of seagulls.
And here's me in shadow.
Just BLUE! Blue sky, blue water, a little strip of and out to Nubble Light.
My belated birthday present- new BOGS boots. I love them!
Then we have
But first, I have to show you some more of Sunday.
Chilly but bright!
And isn't this the craziest thing? A stack of lobster pots decorated with shiny green shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day.
OK, now I'll show you
Monday March 21
My road on my way home from work!
It was
The first full day of SPRING.
No jokes here-this is real.
Winter won't give up her grip.
Be back tomorrow with something cheerier.
Hopefully all this will melt by then!

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