Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Monday

Today they're saying its going to be in the 70's...LOVE IT! Too bad I need to go to work since the weekend once again flew and I would love another day home just to play in the studio. Never did seem to find any studio play time this past weekend...which bothers me...but I did rake some and visited with my friend Vicky and I did a few more little spring cleaning chores which seems to be where my mood really is lately.
So here's my latest read...not bad...interesting to think about traveling from Ireland to Australia and traveling by a different means on each leg of the trrip... but the book is more about that than the places he goes to. I was hoping the book would be more about the places and the adventures there. But I got the book used for cheap and its not a bad read.
Since I haven't done much art lately...not much to show you instead...maybe a few travelling photos from the past...
Where do you want to go?

Red Rock Canyon outside of Las Vegas

natural bridge in Death valley
Hubby at the crater in Death Valley
Barbed wire fence in Rhyolite, Nevada area
Beehive kilns in Death Valley
To me, the trip is about getting a feel for the my focus is different from the book...but then again...their focus was different...their goal was to get there through different get there to get a feel for the place. But some of those ways of traveling, sound pretty cool.
Whatever way you travel today...
may those travels be excellent and contain joy.
And my your journey go smoothly.

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