Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crocuses blooming and a few other little things

Look what's blooming in the garden I raked on Sunday? I LOVE it! Yesterday, although a bit cloudy early on, was another VERY nice home early since exams finished up and the kids got out of school early...I went out and did some more raking and watched some more snow melt...there's very little left but its not all gone yet. I also  made some Easter cards...which I need to photograph to show you. I must was very exciting. I love it when I have a productive couple of hours to play in the studio-makes me a new person- and then when I can get outside and get some fresh air and exercise...I just feel better all the way down..
Today we're in for a cold rainy one...relatively cold for April but not cold like a few weeks back. That's ok...full day of classes today and then National Honor Society is doing a dinner benefit tonight for one of our school nurses who passed away a few weeks back from breast cancer- its VERY sad actually...
And here's one of my meows- Emma...she's a tiny little one with a BIG independent streak, but loves being out in the great weather we've been having.
And to celebrate the good weather not today's grey- here's some tags...blasts from the past. 

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