Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It would...

Last night was GRAY and rainy and dark...by like 3 o'clock.  It would have been a great night to make a big pot of soup...chop some veggies...add some spices...but I didn't have anything laying around to make that soup. And I wasn't ambitous enough to go out to the store either. It would have been a great night to play in the studio...but I didn't have any ambition for that either. It was a good night to read, which I did, and to take a nap, which I also did. Just that kind of night...rainy Monday evenings.
The kind of evening a HUGE cup of tea would hit the spot...and here's a photo of a giant teapot I found in my archives...took it up in Maine a few years back...
Now I just need the GIANT cup to put that tea into.

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