Friday, April 15, 2011

Love this Bunny!

I made this card the other day in my Easter card making eggstavaganza (not a misspelling...just my play on words...). I absolutely love this bunny...I have a book from Dover publications with vintage holiday images and he was in there. I made a copy and cut him out. I used yellow cardstock which I sanded and then die cut the center diamond printed piece, outlined it in yellow just to give it a stronger edge. The pink scallops are left overs from some pink sanded cardstock I die cut, but it fits perfectly. Then I added my Mr. Bunny and punched out a little heart from the same pink cardstock as the scallops to place in his hat. The heart pearls are by Hero Arts and the saying-which is great-is from Cornish Heritage Farms.. Simple yet it works-I think at least.
So it is Friday- about time. This hasn't been a long week but I've been thinking its been Friday ever since Wednesday. The snow is just about gone in my yard- one miniscule little pile is still hanging on, which will be gone by this afternoon, no doubt about it. I came home yesterday hoping to do some more raking, but the wind decided to blow up and so that put the raking idea to bed. Oh well. I could have gone into the studio I guess but decided reading on the couch and relaxing a bit was more my speed. Sometimes your brain is into creating but the body would just rather not get that motivated. Right now I am in countdown to vacation mode...starts in 1 week and I cannot wait!!!!!!!! I am not going to do any BIG cleaning jobs, but want studio time. I also want to hopefully get my gardens squared away before the growth really comes up... an adventure day out with a girlfriend...visit my mom...get some walking a couple of books...this will be my first vacation home without Katie first vacation to myself...WOW...what a concept. I WISH I was going away again...but there didn't seem to be any cheap deals...probably because of Easter on one end...and in a way that's ok...I want to be home to get some minor chores done and relax...but in another and my travel-itis which I have in a major major way. Knowing I'm going to North Carolina this summer helps...but wouldn't I love to be going back to the desert or back to Europe or someplace? Guess I will just need to some find some local adventure to visit...which is a great thing too actually. And do some baking...
Well...time to go get ready for my last day of work this week...all this thinking about vacation is making me not want to go to work today. But I must, and I shall, and so
Happy day to you.

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