Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Oldie But a Goodie

Here's a card I made quite awhile back
 Its rather simple, and I really like it...A plain white card stamped first with an Acey Deucy/Stampington stamp. Then I dabbed a little brown ink with a stenciling brush. I used watercolor markers to color the flowe stamp, by Hero Arts and stem overstamped it. I added the dragonflies- Hero Arts, as well as the saying. That was it...quite simple.
Want to hear something silly? I guess I made 2 of these cards and mailed on to Katie at college a few weeks ago. Guess I forgot  did that and mailed her another one of the same card today. She's gonna think I'm NUTS for sure. Good thing I really love how this card came out...I can come up with some kind of story to answer her.
OK, that means its really time for a vacation. Good thing there's only 4 more days until I'm on vacation...counting today that is since school hasn't started yet. Maybe it means I really need a haircut and that my hair is length is putting too much force on my brain and I can't think straight-LOL- don't think she'll buy that one though.
Anyhow...hope you enjoy this card as much as I do.

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