Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Book Talk

I haven't really talked books recently, mainly because my reading time seems to be so much less than it was...why, I don't know. Maybe more studio time or more tv/computer time...April is a big month for doing outside work for me...getting my gardens in shape for when they really green up and blossom... but you would think being empty nesting I would have more time. But anyhow, reading has come upon me lately...mostly travel books, yes, I admit, but I just want to READ. So here we go.
 So here's my present read, I showed you this before. I have since gotten into it...the sections in Asia are so much more about the place than the travel (which is what the Europe part was) and its fascinating.
I am so ready to go some place or what? Plus I like Charlie Boorman, he reminds me of my hubby a lot.
Here's a book I picked up at Costco yesterday, themed roadtrips...right up my alley. There's a literary New England trip which would be fun to do...starting over vacation next week  (giggle with joy) or during the summer...the beauty about New England for me is I live here and can break up the trips. Wish I could do some of the big trips, like down the continental divide, but it won't be this summer. But dreaming is the first step of getting there, isn't it?
 I also bought this above book yesterday at Costco since its now out in paperbak and I've been eyeing it ever since lasts fall when it was out in hardcover. I'm curious...the biologist in me...and it got great reviews.
I've had this book for a bit...bought it used...and I LOVE this fascinating about a medieval female dr. and her lover and some other interesting characters in England. Hoping to read it next week when I'm on vacation (giggle, giggle some more).
So that's my book talk. I have bookclub on Wednesday, though I haven't even gotten that book. Something about a dog...well...won't be the first time I didn't read the book before we met.
Have a great Sunday all- I am off to do my (gulp and gag) taxes since they're due out in the mail tomorrow at the latest.

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