Monday, April 25, 2011

Vacation Monday

Another birdcage to show you. This one has a Steampunk style with gears and a metal number 3. I love how the gears came out...I used brown stain and some iron rub from Viva paints. I added a heart die cut on grungeboard-shiny red with Viva metallic paint and also a shiny white die cut star. On the back side there's no 3 but some cool little springs.
So I had a great Easter...a nice meal with my mother-in-law...I made pork roast and some parmesian potatoes-YUMMY. And even better, when I woke up a 8:30 it was sunny and 50 degrees and all that nasty snow was GONE!
I'm off this afternoon to visit my Mom in Massachusetts for the evening- will be home later tomorrow. This morning Harl and Leo need their annual vet visit...they are going to HATE that! But Harl gets to go with me to visit his grammie...he'll LOVE that.
Have a great day!!! I'm going to enjoy mine.

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