Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vacation Wednesday

I'm home from Mom's-came in last night-and today I'm off with a good friend to go shopping down in the burbs of Boston. We're going to the Container Store- her to office shop and me to studio shop. Whether I find anything or not doesn't matter-I'm just off to have a fun day out chatting and laughing with Vicky.
And its suppose to be in the 70's, just cloudy. Got to LOVE that.
So my visit with Mom was great- spent some time with her and my brother Monday afternoon doing some cleaning out of boxes in the basement. Had a nice visits and yesterday she and I went out for a nice yummy lunch at Val's. Plus at Mom's in Central Massachusetts the sun came out and was in the 70's. Hard to leave since as I drove closer to the coast and then home it was cloudy/foggy/raw and only in the 50's. What a difference.
So while at Mom's I made this version of a glue book- I had the inkling to try one and had this board style tag book sitting around...and I have this little metal lunchbox filled with the main supplies...I use this little box when I travel so I can do my travel journal when I'm on the road. So I brought it to Mom's, along with the board bool and also a couple of stamps, and made this fun little glue book. Check it out.

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