Saturday, April 23, 2011


Its Saturday morning- the first of my spring vacation. Its a grey and supposedly rainy morning-but right now its a mix of rain and SNOW- and come one, what is this? My February vacation? Not that I'm worried, its not suppose to really accumulate and its going to be nice tomorrow again- for Easter.
So here's one of my latest projects...birdcages to hang off my diningroom lamp. Not the greatest photos, but you can get a good view of these Wendy Vicchi-ish designs, but I think I went a bit more mixed media. You'll see on the others when I post them.
So to make this I started with the Tim Holtz birdcage die-cut. I used the new Distress stain (I really like that- its ink with a paintable top!!) and some Viva metallic rub and some plain old white craft paint. The bird is stained, stamped, colored with Copics, a bit of Dimensional Pearls added for an eye. The cage is stained and distressed with some Viva metallic rub. The flower is a Sizzix die which is stained and stamped, painted, dotted with Dimensional Pearls and a button added. I actually made 2 of the flowers and backed them up to each other. I did the same with bird cage but not with the bird inside the cage-the bird is just done up on both sides since these hang and twist a bit on my diningroom light. Anyhow, as you can see both sides here-on one side a put a 7Gypsies fork and on the other side a 7Gypsies spoon (Do they still make these great old serviette sets?) . I stained some white lace with walnut distress stain. then I added one old metal button on each side. I'm very happy with how they came out.
Later on I'll show you some of the others-they're all a bit different-which made them so much fun to make.
So no big plans for today...might be a bit in the studio. Kind of tired actually, in this wake up at 4 a.m. mode and never really sleeping very well quite awhile this morning...also kind of worried about going to my mom's Monday...I always stress before I go visit my mom-she and aren't aweful with each other but she's not always the kindest loving mom to me and I nevere know quite when to expect her wrath about something usually silly...we're just 2 VERY different women, and its hard. She is my mom after all.
Plus I'm finding my week is filling up a bit more than I least the begining of it is, but I will survive and I have to stop this pre-happening panic.Its not as full as my mind is playing it up to be.
Anyhow, and a good note, tomorrow is Easter. My mother-in-law is coming for a little dinner...nothing big, Katie's home...tonight is the new Dr. Who and the previews look great. Plus I bought the King's Speech dvd and I'm going to watch it this weekend.
YAHOO for vacation!

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