Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm desperately missing my computer

I can only do so many things with my iPad...and I'm glad I have it...but I've lost photos and blog addresses and movies I had stored...yuk!!!! In a way it's freeing tO unhook myself from the Internet...but in another way, I feel left out of the big Internet world. Well, we shall see when I feel like spending the cash to buy a new computer...I want one but don't want to spent money on one. Such a dilemma.
So it's been a BUSY weekend here in New Hampshire. No crafting, but am working in putting up some new storage units and organizing them. Bought a few more items at IKEA which Katie and I went to Friday afternoon after my dentist appointment (2.5 hours later) as they started a crown on one of my teeth. Yesterday we saw the sun for few hours, so I went and bought some annuals and planted them in the pots on my deck. Look great compared to the brown dirt but now we're back into the clouds and damp again. Going to a tea party this afternoon for a couple of hours, and then it's wrapping up the weekend before another busy week at school. Next weekend is a long weekend,Memorial Day, which will be nice and is considered the official start to SUMMER! Tomorrow Kate starts her summer class and orientation for a summer job. Anyhow I MISS posting phoTos of art, think I could put stuff on a CD and then post through the hubby's computer...maybe you'll see some later this week.
Happy Day!

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