Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cooler than Yesterday-

Thursday-this week is flying. Yesterday was HOT and HUMID but we had a great day to the aquarium...I petted a shark and ray/skate..watched some fur seals...had a fun lunch at Quincy Market and caught up with my friend who also brought her class. Fun! Boston is a great city-and I love the aquarium.
Big tornadoes down in Massachusetts yesterday-the videos are dramatic.It was one of those nights I came home and crashed...the heat just got to me.
Since I'm still working off the hubby's computer I can't show you a fish card but here's some more scrap pages from my California journal. Above, I love this page. I used some cheesecloth looking vellum, some textured paper, some ric-rac  made out of brown paper and some great Viva dots. 
I little road sign to show how far north of San Francisco we had to go on Sunday-when our ultimate destination was that great city.  I made a half size page, and love the little Cat's Life Press car stamp and the B LIne Trip of your dreams stamp...I don't really like the leaves under the sign...but it needed something and I tried the leaves, didn't work very well but it is what it is.
And here's a page I made with this beach photo. I used some Autumn Leaves clear stamps to make the title word, then I colored them...the north and west parts are die cut words which I colored, the little blue swirly middle trim like design is part of the paper, and I drew in the greenish lines and added the words...'s Thursday...
another work day and I am SO ready for it to be summer! Can't wait to get out of the routine for get to PLAY!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely journal of your trip! Great you petted a shark! lol


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