Monday, June 6, 2011

Counting Down

I am starting to get into countdown mode, 3 weeks or 15 days until I am done for summer. I have 2 weeks of teaching left- 10 days to try to teach the kids something...and then exams and a couple of work days. The last week should be fairly easy, but the 2 weeks until then, tough since the weather is nice and everyone, including me, is in summer mind frame.
So I being good and watching True Blood season 2 so Katie and I can watch season 3. She's waiting for me, and that means I need to get watching.  So I am. And today I gardened and then I finished up my project for my friend...I'll put up photos later. I also made a couple of birthday cards today...but I still have a list of some cards to make...will get to them...I'm busy 2 days after school this week with sashing the NHS kids and graduation.  Hopefully I'll get to them but then I might not...we'll just have to see.
So here's some scrap pages of Katie's wish from out California vacation in 2009-a drive through Redwood Tree.
This page was made using 2 die cuts, the photo which is outlined in Dimensional Pearls. Then I stamped the letter's to make the words with some older Hero Arts stamps, and colored them...and then I added some Dimensional Pearls to the die cut edges.
I like this page much better than the last one I showed you. I used this Martha Stewart paper, added some ticket stubs, some woody looking paper, a big heart I cut out, some little stickers which I added some dots.
Lastly this page I stamped some stars (Hero Arts) and colored them with various green Copics. I used some 7Gypsies paper and die cut the label, I stamped and cut out the posted image (CHF). Also the postcard stamp (CHF) and I think the saying is also CHF but not positive.

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