Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm Down

I'm really down in the dumps this morning-yesterday was a tough day for me to get through...and now I am really bummed out. Not that anything really really horrible happened....but everything just through me into a ditch and I'm BLUE. Really blue. I feel like I've hit rock bottom.
Now I don't feel this way right now, but here's a clean and simple page layout from the beach book I made my friend...
And here's another page, this one is made by watercoloring the background (nothing fancy at that, just whisks of color), a palm stamp by Tattered Angels that I colored with Copics and water colors. The saying is River City and the happy birthday is Technique Tuesday/Allie Edwards. I think I've obeyed too many rules and that's why I am NOT having fun right now.
Anyhow, maybe we'll see a little sun today...maybe that will help me...
Smile for me, ok since I'm not smiling.

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