Friday, June 24, 2011

Last DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everybody, today is my last day of school (well work) for the summer. You think the kids get excited about summer vacation? I think the teachers are just as excited.
And it's another dark wet day so it's not the worst day to be in work meetings today, all day! Not looking forward to meetings but am looking forward to the start of vacation. And tonight- is the best time of the summer-right when vacation starts and the whole summer is a big potential to be wonderful ahead of you. Tomorrow Dave is doing closet construction in my studio for me so first plan this summer is to clean up the MESS upstairs and get that closet organized. I am excited about cleaning up the mess and excited about having my studio well organized and more usuable.
So here's a California journal page. LOVE it! On white watercolor paper I started by stamping the scribble writing with a Stamp in the Hand stamp. Had to stamp it several time. Then is used a backgrounder CHF stamp in brownish-orange mango ink on the opposite edge of the paper. I added the white flower photo and covered up most of the CHF backgrounder image but left some on the right as an edge trim. Then I added the white die cut flower, some of the paper has been textured with dots. Then I added some Viva dots around the photo and wrote in the words...I love when pages just work and go together easily.
And pretty soon there'll be a lot more journal trip pages for tomorrow once I get a bit more time on my summer vacation!
Happy Happy Friday everyone.
Thanks for looking.

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