Friday, June 10, 2011


It's NOT really TGIF yet, it's Thursday night and it was super hot (like 100 degrees and humid today) and we had NASTY thunderstorms this afternoon-lost power for a bit more than an hour. Lazy night too...watching Season 3 of True Blood...with Katie. I am really enjoying our night together-went out for steamers and now we're watching of the woman I work with lost her daughter at 31 last week from a quick spreading cancer and that has to be so hard....stopped by the wake for a few minutes today after work and I left just crying in the car to Dave on the tonight I am just enjoying my time with my baby girl. Every moment is precious. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her.
So today, TGIF, is graduation at 5:30...and I like to go and see the seniors leave after having them in school. Finishes up our business, I guess. Makes it a LONG day though...even if some of us from our department are going to get a bit of a very early bite to eat first. But it's the weekend pretty soon...and tomorrow I get a few hours of work at the lake...and they say next week will be cooler and HOPEFULLY, maybe, a more productive work week. Today (Thursday) I was bad and took one of my classes out to play capture the flag against another class for an hour...they needed some mental energy break. That's how we're all feeling right now...time for some mental energy break.
That's why I'm showing you this I made for my friend who turned 50. Thought these woman from Art Impression were a hoot, and since I'm going to visit this friend at the beach in NC this summer -thought this stamp would be perfect-us turning into "old" beach ladies-LOL. The sun and the trim are Sizzix die-cuts and the word stamps are from Technique Tuesday and Allie Edwards. I added the birthday hat to the gal on the right.
So have a great Friday

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