Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wrapping up a Weekend

Seaweed on a dock. At the marina on Little Bay.
Depth marker on one of the bridges on the Piscataqua River, Portsmouth, NH.
View in Great Bay.
My afternoon, a relaxing afternoon on the boat in Great Bay. Salt water, warm air, not too much sun...
Been a great weekend-yesterday I did major work on the closet in my studio/spare room...still more to do which I can do tomorrow since I don't have to go to work...but that hasn't sunk into my brain yet. But it's gonna be SOOO nice to have some organized space there. Then last night Dave and I went to see X Men which I enjoyed. And today... we went boating...booked some rooms for next summer in Glacier Nat. Park...talked to my mommy...
and tomorrow, I can sleep in if I want...gonna do some major cleaning...that is how I am going to spend the first day off of my vacation but I want to get this done!
But first, tonight, gonna watch the last 3 episodes of last season's True Blood.

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