Friday, July 1, 2011

Beautiful America

I know the 4th of July holiday weekend really starts tomorrow, but Dave took today off so in my mind, the weekend has started. It's America's birthday, and to celebrate, let me show you some beautiful shots of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a beautiful place in the USA-and since New Hampshire was also one of the original 13 colonies and one of the original states. We were in fact the 9th of the present 50 states, and we were first settled in 1623, one of the earliest places settled-at a place called Strawberry Bank which is now Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
So after that mini-history lesson, here's some cool photos I took today on the boat...
I'd love to make this bigger, but its at Fort Constitution -a Revolutionary War fort. It's called Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse, and if you're a Ghost Hunters fan like me, it's supposedly haunted by a former lighthouse keeper. I keep looking for him, but haven't seen him yet.
Whaleback Light. Right off of Fort Constitution in the middle of the mouth of the Piscataqua River. Is it in Maine or New Hampshire?
In the background is the Wentworth, one of the grand old hotels of the late 1800's in New Castle, New Hampshire. It's pretty spiffy...I got a gift certificate for lunch there once and it's quite the place.
View of Whaleback Light and the mouth of the river.
Views of Portsmouth on the water.
Tugboat Alley, the commercial downtown district of Portsmouth.
Hope you enjoyed your tour.
Went to see Transformers 3 last night-enjoyed it a lot...(it could have been about 10 minutes shorter, my only complaint)-just good entertainment. Who'd have thought films about aliens who can turn into cars would be so fun?
And today went had a pedicure and then went fishing out on the boat-talk about 2 polar activites. had a lobster (lobstah) role for dinner-TALK ABOUT YUMMY and my big night out was to visit Katie at Target. It was a great day, relaxing pedicure and a relaxing afternoon on the water...just the right temperature and not a lot of boat traffic-LOVE IT!

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