Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beautiful day

So today I went to visit may friend Vicky who is at her summer cabin on Merrymeeting Lake. We were sitting outside chatting by the lake when Vicky hits me and points down to the water. There's a big bald eagle pulling a fish out of the lake and then flies off. So cool. It happened so cast but still seemed to stop in time. We could see his/her yellow talons and hear the slap of the water and see the wings flapping. Way way cool. Too bad no photos, but it happened so fast.
But it was gorgeous today, cool, sunny. Yesterday we had wicked rain and thunderstorms in the afternoon, after my morning in the dentist and my trip to my craft store and my stop at Staples. But not a bad day to be in the dentist since it never really cleared up for any amount of time. And today, when it was gorgeous, it was home, gardening, puttering about, making a happy birthday banner, making more ice cream and also meatloaf for dinner since I've been craving it ever since last weeks heat broke. And Of course, a great afternoon at the lake with good company and the eagle. Love it.
Tomorrow am off to visit mom and tomorrow night, a new season of Project Runway starts. LOVE it too!

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