Sunday, July 24, 2011

Finally cooler

The extra super hot heat wave is over for now. Today was beautiful, summer hot but comfortable hot. We wen fishing out in the hubby's boat but neither Katie, Dave or I caught anything. Oh well, still a great day. Yesterday was HOT still but also a water day-Dave and I went jet skiing and then we all went to the lake for the afternoon, the hubby's whole family was there. Still was fun...but this weekend was a busy one overall. And now another week of vacation ahead...hmmm.not sure what's on the docket except the start of my other crown on my teeth...yukky way to spend a morning but what must be done must be done. And I start computer shopping this week, whether I find what I want at the price I want may not happen rig away but we'll see.
So long for now.

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