Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Watch

We're on the hurrican watch- a good possibility that Hurricane Irene will hit us Sunday night- depending of course, on how it tracks. Wonder what that means for going back to school for us teachers on Monday. UNH has changed their upperclassmen move in day back to Saturday from Sunday, and I can say I have one very excited girl to go back. Especially since she can move back 1 day early!
So I went in and set up my classroom yesterday-though I will say our custodians did a super fantastic job and my room was in great shape when I went in. AND the computer tech people did a great job and had rehooked up all my computers. YAHOO! Then I got my crown put on (which was an ordeal since it was a little too close on 1 side and the cement got out and sealed up the other side). So one and half hours later I got out and went and had a yummy lunch with my friend Joanne. Took a quick stop at Michael's and they were just putting out Martha Stewart Halloween items- got this FUN punch-
It make BIG pumpkins-which you can't tell here!!! Love their silly scary faces. I also got some Halloween tape and a small stamp set all by Martha Stewart-the queen of great Halloween items. I figured I better pick them up before they aren't there any more...and I'll be making Halloween items before you know it.
So since we're doing orange pumpkins, lets coordinate and I'll show you this card. Simple but fun.
I started with the mustard colored cardstock and used a KaiserCraft stamp to do the big swirls. I colored those orange and yellow and then added the white dots with a Uniball white pen (THE BEST white pens I think).
I stamped the flower (from the same clear stamp set as the swirl) on white paper and then colored it in with the orange, pink, purple and yellow Copics. I added a few white dots in the colored parts but left the very outer edge white paper (it has the black zig zagged stamped lines in it). Then I cut out the flower and attached it right in the middle of the swirl. I added the word which is from an older word set by Hero Arts.
So today Kate and I are off to a nearby outlet mall to do some last minute school shopping-for both of us. Something fun to do before the routine sets back in.
Thanks for visiting.


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