Friday, August 5, 2011

More photos from the Outer Banks

Another photo montage for you today....still haven't snapped photos of any of my latest art but have lots of summer photos including these random shots from our fantastic trip to North Carolina and the Outer Banks.

This is the ceiling of a Mexican restaurant in Raleigh (not exactly the Outer Banks) where we had the BEST ever margaritas...a whole pitcher's worth for the 3 of us!

I was fascinated with pelicans. Not that I've never seen them-during my honeymoon in St. John Virgin Islands I watched them diving and found them fascinating too, but it's been awhile since I saw so many.
 And here they are lined up on some pilings.
 We took a trip over to Ocracoke Island on the ferry for a day. That was cool.

While in Ocracoke, I spied this sign and had to snap a photo. Arggh ye matey.

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