Friday, September 16, 2011

10 things Friday

Recently I did a-10 things right now- list. It was a throw back to a post I did a year ago when I did the first -10 things right now- list. I got that idea from someone's blog (sorry if it was you and I am forgetting who you are) and I LOVE to make lists so it seemed like the natural thing to do.
I like how it makes you think and summarize if for no one but yourself where you are at. You know, list 10 things going on in your head or in your life or in your studio right then. Straight forward and pretty simple...sort of. It is a bit challenging to think about 10 things, not 5 or 15. What are the 10 things you really want to say about that moment.
So my new goal is to try doing a list like this on Fridays, at the end of the work week, seeing where I am at. Hopefully it won't be a list that says the same things every Friday.
Here's this week's list:
1- The leaves are starting to get a SLIGHT tinge of color. You can see fall is coming. And they say this weekend is going to be CHILLY!
2-I have been fascinated with all the mushrooms everywhere. I never remember seeing so many. They are all so different too. I've taken a lot of mushroom photos lately.
3-I really want to go to my favorite  craft store after work today to feed my addiction, but I may not go if Katie is home from school and is going to be hanging out at home. I have wanted to go all week but have restrainted myself or put myself back into the logical why spend more money on supplies  you don't really NEED brain mode.
4- I am taking this on-line course from Inspiration Showcase that is fantastic!!! Now for some more studio playtime to try out more of the techniques.
5- This week at school has been spirit week and I am tired of getting "dressed up" ever day.
6-September has seemed to slow down. It was flying by, and this hasn't been really a long week, but isn't it the end of the month yet?
7-I want to take a roadtrip to someplace I want to go to this weekend. I want someone to go with me too, so we can chat. I'd love to go check out St Gaudens National Historic Site since it's been on my list, but I'd like to go anyplace for a change of scenery.
8-I'd really like to go out for some fried clams or fried oysters. Fattening but yummy New England seafood.
9-I feel like this week I've suddenly fallen over the precipice at work...out of the slow getting into the groove mode into too much to do mode.
10-I am enjoying my latest Louise Penney book and when I get paid next week I want to buy another one of her books to read and maybe a new art/craft book. And there's a book by Peter Mayle I'd love to read too.

So here's my card for today...for the new and improved me who is going to do the 10 things right now list every Friday, perhaps.
I started with bright green cardstock which I overstamped in dark green with this cool reversed dotty Invoke arts background stamp. Then I stamped the giraffe ride stamp (Magenta) using this rubber stamp that my daughter had and then decided she didn't want. I colored with Copics, attched and then doodled in black Sharpie the 3 sided frame, and then I colored in the inside of the scallops with white pen. Then I distressed with some yellow Dimensional Pearls and added the 7Gypsies tape. I stamped the new and improved (7Gyspies) right on the card, and stamped the obeying the rules (River City) on white paper, which I then cut out and attached, and also outlined with black Sharpie too. Fnally, I took the same yellow Diemsnional Pearls that I distressed with and added the dots, in sets of 3, just to pop it up.
I don't know if this card really says me, but it came out ok...I think the giraffe stamp isn't really me, though it is lots of fun...
Happy Friday.

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