Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another Sunday

Scrap journal page from the Outer Banks (of course). Dave walking the beach. I covered some watercolor paper with a sheet of paper which I then quickly rubbed a mango ink pad over. Then I took some paper that looked like brown cheesecloth and ran it through an embossing pad and with circles on it. Then I ran the mango ink pad over that to darken the circle. Attach. Attach the photo. Cut a rectangle of off white paper and tear away the botoom. Stamp the saying (Stampendous) with mango ink and then add a couple of my favorite open circles (Hero Arts). Attach. Add a 7Gypsies typewriter key word (from my archives) and some brown Hot Off the Press star stickers.  Add some yellow and blue bubble stickers (who makes them, I don't know, I had these sheets in my archives of supplies).  Then I finally added the words which are from a set of stickers by October Afternoon from their earlier release of beach items.
Here's another page, a journal page. I doodled the outer edging first, and colored it all. Then the words. Then some pink Distress stain. Then the stamped the stars (which I wish I hadn't added). Finally some silver stickles around the edge.
Finally another scrap journal page , this time a painted horse statue which I could out of the complete photo to get rid of the busy background edges. I first put down some striped paper. Then in white I stamped the frame/tag (Autumn Leaves) which I colored and cut out and then attached. I added the photo and then wrote in the words. I used some older rub ons in 3 of the corners- and sometimes older rub ons don't work so well (for me at least) but  I don't mind the half rubbed looked-gives it a bit of a ditressed look. Then I added the dot stickers, the hand written journaling on the page and the black Sharpier doodled edges.
Another weekend is rolling down, another week is beginning. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by T.S. Elliot, the poet, that the end is always the beginning, maybe not his exact words but something to that extent.
Yesterday was kind of a weird day, cool, me being tired, cleaning the house since it was dirty but getting my last 2 shelves (for now) put up in my studio. HURRAY! Think my fall projects are going to be some of these small little things that need to be cleaned up, a couple of paper piles in my diningroom, my bureau top, moving some irises in my garden...I'm kind of feeling lost this weekend...need some motivation but and exhausted from my week at work and not really looking forward to this busy busy week coming up.
Oh well, not much I can do except mentally get myself in a different place.
Want to enjoy the rest of this weekend- and I will! (Just wish Dave didn't want to go out in the boat because I don't want to, need home down time because I need to do some things here and the boat-though I love it-just wipes me out and kills the day and yet him home, he gets depressed missing his boat and he sulks around which BUGS me but I understand his downness...and this is all putting a big damper on me which I need to jump over and out of...I do to enjoy the rest of my day!)
Enjoy yours

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