Sunday, September 25, 2011

A few more Scrap Pages

So it is a HUMID Sunday...humid? It is late September and it is suppose to feel like fall- we're not suppose to be having several days of damp high 70s degree weather this late in the season...mayeb a day here and there but we've been having this mini-heat wave since last Thursday. It's been not too sunny but warm. That's good because with sun it would probably be even warmer. I guess you just don't know with this New England weather.
So I can't believe we have another week of September...not that I am in any rush for winter or COLD weather, but between the humidity and the fact the September doesn't seem to end...transistion months-September and March. I mean, I've been in school for a month already...but feels like a lot longer.
So yesterday I spent a chunk of the day scrapping...home alone, did lots of pages, what fun! And I started reading another part of the Sookie Stackhouse companion that I picked up at Target on Friday. I'm really in a book-reading mode lately. Am reading the short story in the begining of the book and I wonder if Eric or Bill or any vampire will be in it or not. Interesting book, there's a recipe section, a compendium to the least so far. I read yesterday the author's preface...some cool facts about how the story came to be.I need the the novel compendium to rememer what happened in each book...but I really want to reread a few of these novels this fall.
And today is RACE day. I am excited!
Will tell you more tomorrow.

On one of the bridges going out to the Outer Banks. I used some old velum tags I had in my stash, wrote some notes around the background paper.
And this page is a journaling page- I found the Life is Good stciker at the Life is Good store in Duck. I added some gemstones, white distress ink on the border and a black Sharpie outline.

And this page is a bit busy I think, but I hope the gold sparkly stars and the arrow help pull it together a bit...I don't dislike the page...and I like the big vacation word I doodled in...

Oh well...that;s all I have for today.
Enjoy yours...
It'll be another work week in just a blink of an eye...
Boy...I think I need a vacation thinking like that!

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