Thursday, September 1, 2011

I need a cupcake

Snapped this photo through my windshield in front of a local cup cakery. That's how I feel tonight-Wednesday night-though I am posting this Thursday. 
My exhaust in my car has an issue-had to drop it off in the shop tonight. UGH! Hopefully something inexpensive, since I don't get paid for another week.  But I sound like I am riding a Harley- me the middle aged moma in the station wagon-LOL!
And amazing how going back to work for 3 days, and Katie not even home, and how messy the house is! is amazing how spending just a few minutes each morning picking up-like I do in summer when I'm not at work, keeps things a little cleaner and neater. Not enough time before work though- since I leave the house by 6:30 a.m. and I don't want to get up any earlier to clean my house. No way!
And on top of that-it is SEPTEMBER!
Wow- summer really is winding down-Labor Day weekend almost here! Today is my first day with all the kids and my classes back on schedule. School is really in session now.
Happy Happy Thursday-keep your fingers crossed that when I hear about my car it will be CHEAP!

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