Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Fall Bucket List

My bucket list for the fall of 2011!!!
1- go apple picking!!!!!
2-make all of my 31 Halloween cards!!!! and maybe another Halloween project too!!!!
3-take at least 1 leaf peeping road trip-and maybe combine it with an earlier roadtrip I never took
4-bake lots of fall goodies like an apple pie and cook some comfort foods
5- go visit my mom for her birthday
6-get my garden pulled up and my irises moved and my leaves raked
7-try some more chili recipes from my 50 states of chili cookbook
8-reread Great Expectations
9-not let myself get too mad at all the garbage assignments thrown at us at work
10-get the addition cleaned up so Dave can work out there
11-plan a winter vacation for Feb/March or maybe April
12- don't go into hibernation mode and start not exercising and eating a lot more
13-do at least one thing out of the ordinary and different
14-get back to knitting my sweater and finishing my hat
15-try not to lose my patience with my hubby when he's being indecisive or pouty
16-get my clutter piles finally cleaned up and
17-not let my coffeetable turn into the Erika mess with books and mail and yarn
18-Get back into my French
19 go eagle watching some more

That's all I can think of right now, I may add more later if I think of something else.

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