Friday, October 21, 2011

10 things Friday

Another Friday...
You know what that means-
It is 10 things Friday.

1- By 6:20 at night it is pretty much dark, a light line on the horizon, but dark. And the temperatures have gone back to normal-warmish days, cooler nights.  Oh it is fall isn't it?
2- I am ok with the cooler fact it is easier to work in this weather, but I am starting to get into hibernation mode with the earlier darkness. You know, come home from work and put on pjs instead of sweats, get tired earlier, want to eat more soul satisfying and hearty foods.
3-Slowly my fall/winter clothes are coming out. It is kind of fun at this point, because you feel like you are getting some new clothes. Wore some cute little unlined boots the other day that came out of the winter clothes stash. Also a pair of cords. I'll be sick of all them by March though.
4-This week I feel like I have been in catch up mode. Too much school work. Too many chores. Not enough play time in the studio. Not enough sleep time. Waking up is so hard in the morning. The stress builds up.  It is getting better though. When I finished a big stack of grading I could feel my whole body relax. NHS letters are all out and that's one less item on my agenda. I hope it stays under control for a bit.
5- I really need a mental catch up weekend. Nothing one the must do or go to on the commitment list. I need to de-stress and feel like I have some time to do nothing. To read. I want to finish my Anne Rice vampire novel this weekend. And maybe go for a walk or two and maybe go see that bird watching comedy with Steve Martin...ok, so this isn't a total do nothing idea in my head but a schedule free one.
6-And I need to cut the threads and made a tassel for the hat I finished knitting  this past weekend while we drove to the Cape-it will then be DONE! I want to look for a beret pattern and knit me a little oo-la-la.
7- And I found a couple of books I want to read. The new book by Jeffrey Eugenides-the Marriage Plot and Alice Hoffman's the Dove Keeper's looks pretty good too. It is  lounge on the couch with a cuppa and read season. Been looking for a book to two to really excite me. Maybe I have found them?
8-Been thinking about baking another apple pie while I still have oodles of apples from our picking session a couple of weeks ago. That would taste so YUMMY! I also found a recipe to make candy corn cupcakes which I think I should try out too.
9-I can't believe today is October 21st. This month is flying-especially compared to September.
10-Art-wise, I am in a bright color mood lately. Like tourquoise, hot pink and bright green. Not really fall colors but am crazy about them right now. Been thinking of ordering a Copic airbrush spray kit too, would love to try to do more bright coloring with stencils.

There you have it for this week. Still amazes me how much I change from week to week. If you haven't tried this, you is really a good way to see yourself get through some tough things and celebrate the good things.
Happy Friday!

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