Friday, October 14, 2011

10 Things Right Now Friday

It is Friday-once again. I love doing this list...makes you think about where you are at...and it is great to see how life subtley changed over the week. And what a difference a week can make.
1-This week REALLY flew with having last Monday off for Columbus Day and then taking Wednesday off and driving to my mom's after a morning drs appointment.  (I could still use a day off at home, ALONE though. Don't think that will hapen right away though...)
2-The leaves have really changed...and the rain brought some down. And I think we're at change over time, when the weather starts to cool off and I have to put my sandals away for good. That's a sad thing, though getting out the sweaters is good right's like getting a whole bunch of new clothes. But one never knows with Mother Nature. We could go back into the heat. That is fall y'all.
3- Decided not to go to the Cape on Saturday with the weather not looking all that fantastic. I am disappointed, BUT, kind of happy to save the cash. Since Dave has to go to a retirement party on Sunday, we'll probably go down early in the day and try to get a beach walk in. I HOPE!
4- Dave bought a new car, which he needed since his totally died. But his Passat was 11 years old with almost 300,000 miles. Neither of us have ever owned a car with that many miles. Now he is about to become the owner of a new 2012 Jetta TDI.
5-This week we bought tickets to go to Arizona  for my vacation in late February early March. Now I am busy in vacation research and planning-something I LOVE to do. I also had a lightbulb for next summer when Dave and I are planning on going to Glacier National Park. Want to plan to make a big loop and go up to the Canadian Rockies at the same time. Like Lake Louise, Banff and maybe even Jasper National Park.
6- Tomorrow is my 23 wedding anniversary. Been a great 23 years with a couple of tough patches but you get through them and it does make you stronger. And makes your love deeper. Dave is my best friend too, and he was a good friend before he was even my lover-guy too.
7- I feel like I have been in catch up mode all week. I hate when I don't get everything done on the weekend to be ready for the week...I like to have all those catch up, get yourself together organization chores done...I like to feel prepared, not disorganized.
8-One of those things I need to do is to get my fall/winter clothes out of the bags sitting in my bedroom. I especially want to wash my cords because once it gets cool, I will want them. I need to be somewhat prepared...enough to function smoothly.
9-I have a great idea for an altered book I want to start-has a semi-Halloween twist- one I can continue into November if I don't get it finished by the 31st. The theme is weird/being different. That's all I'm saying for now. One other arty idea this week. I am thinking about using a Smash book and making a 2012 travel book...putting all my trips into one book since I seem to have a few on the back burner right now. Usually I make individual trip books, but maybe it is time to try something different...just an idea floating around in my brain...right now.
10- I really need a haircut and my highlight refreshed...can't wait until my appointment on Tuesday.

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