Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Look at this Lovely Lady

This is my mom back in the 1950's-the style queen, Today she turns Can't believe my mom is that old...she doesn't seem it in a lot of ways but in the last couple of years she did start to look old...I guess she was lucky she made it to 80 before she really looked old and maybe if she put a bit of effort to spruce herself up...but then, at her age, she can do just about whatever she pleases. Shock of white (no longer grey) hair and wrinkles and all that-she used to be the fashionista and then she stopped being that and became my mom. Funny how we all change somehow with time. She's still my mom and I'm happy she's still around...well at least most of the time.
I am off today to go take her out to lunch for her birthday, after a morning drs. appointment.
And I didn't get  up at 5 a.m. either.
So here's another Halloween card. Grey cardstock and black printed paper. I used an embossing folder on glossy paper. I inked the embossing folder with orange ink (Memories) and ran it through my Big Kick. Then I rubbed brown ink (Memories) on the embossed surface. I rounded my corners and attached it. The white is stamped on white and colored with Copics-she's from Rubber Stamps of America. Do they still exist? So many good old companies seem to be disappearing-and then again so many good new ones appear too. I attached her to the card, added a piece of Martha Stewart Halloween paper tape, stamped the saying (Hero Arts) and added some Viva ornage dimensional dots.
That's it for today-
Make it a great day!

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