Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Blog Header

Notice I switched up my blog header. It was time for something different, a bit less summery but still outdoors. This is from a photo I took last Dec. 31 at Ferry Beach in Scarborough, Maine, just as some clouds came in over the sun.(It was a gorgeous 60 degree day in the middle of winter, and Dave and I and Harley our dog took a road trip that included a fantastic beach walk, a trip to Cabela's, Pizza at our favorite college pizza place Pat's Pizza and finally an evening movie- we saw the remake of True Grit. I will say it was a great way to end 2010.) And back to the photo and blog header.  I really like it; it has a whispy bit and more fallish feel without being too predictable and fall like. Actually, it looks like it was  anice day but not too cold of day or too warm of day. Don't ask me why, but the colors and the whispy clouds just say that. The tree is still so it wasn't too windy. The sky isn't bright blue like it can be on colder or warmer days.  And the little bit of snow, kind of doesn't look like snow but just piles of sand. That is how snow should always be too.
I guess it just is and analyzing it doesn't do much good.
So amazing how some working on my attitude can help put me in a much better place...for now at least. Let's see if it lasts.
Oh course it will. I will it to last.
(They say write it down and make it happen, right?)
So today's card...more Halloween extravaganza.
The coffin and skeleton are from Prickley Pear- I used the Dem Bones stamp set and matching die to cut out the skeleton. The coffin I stamped, colored with Copics and cut out. I lined the door with some leathery looking paper.
The nice knowing you stamp is from a set of words and solid Halloween images by Martha Stewart. The purple paper is some older Basic Grey, and there's some Martha Stewart black/grey paper tape. And finally, a bunch of Viva dots in anthrocite and orange.
I distressed the white die cut skeleton with some brown ink and a stipple brush.
And that is it from this Tuesday morning.
Until my next post...take care.

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