Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Roadtrips and Halloween....

Here's a couple of photos from my Sunday roadtrip to Cape Cod. I haven't had time to play with any of my snaps, so these are raw. Top photo, Coast Cuard Beach, middle photo, catching the shadow of the lighthouse as I came down from my climb up Nauset Light, and at the bottom, Cape Cod Light, another lighthouse that got moved back from the encroaching erosion of the cliffs in the 1990s. As you can see it was a GORGEOUS day. Dave, I and Harley spent the afternoon exploring some of the National Seashore before Dave had to go to a work related retirement party for a few hours. Harl and I hung out in the car and I did some reading....should have graded papers but was tired and I am a nasty procrastinator...so guess what was on my agenda last night since they didn't get finished Sunday? Anyhow, why was I so tired? We walked on Coast Guard Beach too which was great and saw LOTS of seals. Then when I climbed the lighthouse at Nauset I saw some pilot whales feeding...too far out to get any photos but very EXCITING. I also saw some gannets/birds diving like bombs into the water. That to me that was exciting and made it all worth it, even though we didn't get home until after 10:30 and I needed to be up at 4:45 for work. Think I need to do a mini-album of my day trip to the Cape!
So one more photo for today, here's another one of my Halloween cards.
I stamped the webs (Stampotique) and then stamped the spiders twice each- once directly on the card for the legs and then once on white paper, which I colored and then cut out and attached over the bodies of the spiders I stamped on the card. The man is RubberMoon, stamped and colored, and the saying is River City Rubberworks. It is one long saying I cut into 3 parts. I stippled black in to distress the card and there you go.  Not too difficult but-rather bizzare and not traditional Halloween but that is OK at this season.
Thanks for visiting.

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