Saturday, October 1, 2011

So Glad it is SATURDAY and OCTOBER!

It's a rainy Saturday morning and it felt SOOO good to sleep a bit later. I was exhausted.
I needed this week to be over. Work makes me want to quit and go do something else (Do art...wouldn't that be a GREAT career change?). Not my classes or the kids- they are great, it's all the BUSY work from the upper eschelon of administration.  Maybe it is time to do something else. Teaching is turning into being flat and personality-free-instead of being me we need to be a team...and not that teams are bad...I like teamwork but I hate people who have to run the team just because they're bossy and are on ego trips and think everything they do is right and the best... Makes me want to vomit. OK, I'm frustrated.  Just let me teach! Please.
OK, enough complaining. It is Saturday and not a work day and so I am going to enjoy my day and not think about work. I'm going to meet my friend Vicky for lunch and I am SO looking forward to it. Plus Kate's in and out this weekend and maybe I can get her to go apple picking tomorrow morning with me. And I saw Bridesmaid last night which was pretty funny. Have you seen it? It is definately adult comedy but boy did I laugh-especially in the driving car scene.
So I'm happy with these couple of garden photos I'm showing you. They have a fall feel to know worn and browning fence posts, pink hydranga as the flowers age and change to that color from the blue. Not a spruced up white fence posts and tulips-one that is kind of worn and discolored. October!
YAHOO! September was an incredibly long month.
So now my second Halloween card.
A different feel from yesterday's FUN card, and not a lot of layering.  I started by punching the moon on mottled yellow paper (it is just a circle). Then I black embossed the spooky tree which is an ancient stamp. I do wish the embossing was more even-it is very smooth on the moon and more mottlely on the rough grey cardstock, but then it is a spooky tree and it can look a bit old and imperfect. The howling wolf is stamped in white (Maybe an AMUSE stamp from 2-3 years ago????) and then colored in brown marker with a black nose and eye added and some white pen markings. The words are from a new this season Memory Box stamp with lots of great Halloween sayings. I stamped on white, distressed and colored with yellow ink and then cut it out.
Think this card needs an owl in the tree? I didn't want to over do it...I LOVE simplicity on paper and have a tendency to overdo it at times. No, stop asking myself and forget about the owl.
I do like how the moon is so bright it seems to be glowing as a real moon would do.
Anyhow, enough said. Happy Saturday! May your day be full of artiness!

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