Friday, November 4, 2011

10 Things Friday-already!

Right things going on with me!

1-The snow is not all gone at my house...but it is getting less and less every day (and nights, we even had a big amount of melt overnight)-if the weather stays as it is we should only have the piles in the shade left by tomorrow-I hope-maybe I can even get out and rake this weekend...ha-ha! (Or maybe not!)
2- We change the clocks this weekend-I don't like that. Means it gets dark SOOOOO early and even though I have some more light in the doesn't last very long. And it is a hassel to change all the clocks.  But I do like having an extra hour this weekend.
3-Only 2 days left to the first quarter at school. 2 days of exams, and then it is a NEW quarter. I get rid of my 1 whiney class, yahoo, and hopefully the 2 new classes are great.
4-Been into hat knitting lately and wanted to make a Fair Isle tam style hat. Found some yarn I had stashed away and started my tam #1 this past week. It is prime knitting season right now....and I am so excited to have a project to work on at night while I watch tv.
5- Also want to do some more reading than I have been lately. Started the Marriage Plot last weekend and I am  thinking  a book a week would be great. Just have to make a point to sit down and read. That is not as easy to do as it sounds....
6-All I want to do lately is be home in my studio and hanging around knitting, cooking and reading. Hibernation mode has set in BIG time. I am not even interested in going on a road trip....think work has been so busy that I just want to hang...and as it gets darker earlier and earlier....homebody season.
7- Tomorrow night is the big Maine versus UNH hockey game at UNH. I am going!!!!! GO MAINE! I do love hockey in the is the one thing I actually want to go out for. This is a HUGE rivalry game...and it will be a great game- that I know.
8-This afternoon after work I am off to my craft store...I had them put aside a Spellbinder's tea cup die they had in their newsletter, and I have actually been looking for a tea cup die...I love a good cup of tea and I have tons of tea related stamps and I made a lot of items with tea a tea with the queen book I made last year (or the year before) and a whole set of cards the year before called the buggy picnic and my first publication ever was in Cloth, Paper, Scissors with a cloth tea book I made. Anyhow, I am excited to go since I haven't been there since September and I need some envelopes, glue and black ink along with my die.
9-I hoping to get a few chores done this weekend and relax too. I want to clean off the table where I do my is such a mess I hardly have any room to work. I am trying to figure out how to store my Copics...I want them on the wall...right now I have them in some perfect cups on my table, but they are taking up too much room and they are too heavy to hang, so I am trying to figure out what to do.  Another chore I need to do is vaccuum my laundry room in the kitty got stuck in the basement yesterday and attacked a roll of paper towels...he does that sometimes...and I have shreds to clean dog hair and sand...and if I get to it early enough saturday before Katie comes home with bags of laundry, I should be able to clean that I am more caught up on laundry (though not 100%) than I have been all October.
10-Feels like I have been in the dark all week. I can see the sun out the windows at work, but it doesn't come into my classroom. It is dark when I go to work, and the late afternoon shadows are out when I come home. Not dark, but no direct sun. Oh winter is coming...

and did you know, saw this on the news-
yesterday was the 100th birthday of Chevrolet.

Happy FRIDAY!!!!
Love it!!!!

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