Friday, November 18, 2011

10 Things Friday

It is Friday once again. So far am loving this exercise to try to organize my life a bit.
1- So got diagnosed with a sinus infection the other afternoon. At least it wasn't broncitis which is what I thought it was.  Hopefully these antibiotics will kick start some real recooping.
2-I don't feel like I can catch up on anything at work this week. I feel one step behind and like I am in permanent catch-up. I am hoping by today I can get everything organized so I feel more in step with things.
3- I signed up for my first craft fair this week. So I probably shouldn't do it since it is not like I don't have enough to do. I keep thinking about display-and how I do that. Any suggestions? Since I have never sold a craft show before I really don't know what I need, but this is a good place to start since it isn't a huge fair and it is pretty low key. But I need to do it since it is one of those things I have been thinking about for quite awhile now and I need to clean out some art I have made.  Hopefully, I will have success. Its is not even making lots of cash but it is establishing myself a bit.
4-I am also thinking about how to make my travel journal for when we go to Arizona in Febuary. And I want to do a holiday scrap book-kind of like a daily (or mostly daily) journal between Thanksgiving and New Years. I did one a few years back and it was great and I think it would be nice to have another one since it has been a few years.And I have been fixing up some of my cards-to sell-since some of my older cards are kind of BLAH and I am fixing them up by cutting, embellishing...been fun.
5-Feel like it is always dark...especially since the weather has been a bit icky. Luckily with me teaching ecology I have been geting outside a bit during the day, that helps a lot. But it has been dark by 4:30 and you can tell the mornings are getting darker...this week I needed to put my lights back during the morning commute-just one week of no lights since the time change.
6- So last night I shook it up a bit and met Katie after work. We did a little holiday shopping and went out to dinner. Was a fun change of pace, or as Kate said- it made Thursday feel a little bit like Friday-now I am a bit tired, getting hom late last night- but it is Friday!!!
7- I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving. We are going to my sister-in-laws. Thanksgiving is a great holiday- pretty low key but not a do nothing day. Plus it is a good week at work- 2 1/2 days of work and 2 1/2 days off. Besides dinner we have hockey tickets to see Maine play again on Saturday.
8- So we are still having crazy weather. It was in the high 60's early in the week and now we are back into the cold. It is CHILLY this morning! My body doesn't know what to make of all this. We have had snow already and then days when it felt like April or May. They say back in the 60's by Sunday.
9-I am getting more done of my Christmas shopping.  Not finished...but making progress. But it is just about time to pull out the Christmas music!
10-Are you going to see Twilight this  weekend? Last night when I was out with Katie the line for the mid-night show at a local theatre was already forming at 6. I will go see the film (even though I wasn't crazy about book 4- got to see out the series) once the crowds die down a bit.
Have a great Friday. The weekend is just about here!

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