Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday yesterday. We went to visit my husband's family and had a yummy meal and some laughs. Us adults (except Dave's mom) went out for a walk on the beach at Plum Island, Massachusetts after dinner. It was refreshing and fantastic since I LOVE walking the beach.

The puppies enjoyed it a lot too, as you can see Harley here. But talk about a tired puppy last night.
And today is Black Friday, the BIG shopping day. Are you going any where? I'm not sure  if I am going out but I want to get some things done at home today...get the Christmas things out of the attic, clean a bit, organize for next weekend's craft fair a bit.
Hard to believe that it is only 1 month until Christmas and that we are back into the holiday season.
With the snow on the ground at my house it kind of felt like we were going to celebrate Christmas.
But before I get into holiday posts, one more fall photo.

And I thought this was a typical late fall view, the bittersweet berries and the wooden fence,dried leaves...
Took this in my sister-in-laws side yard yesterday too.
So those are my scenes from a nice Thanksgiving.
Be back with some art another time.

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