Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Busiest Travel Day

Addendum:  Wrote this last night and woke up this morning to 4 inches of snow changing over toice and rain. No sooner made my cup of morning tea and sat down to the 5 a.m. news than the power popped off...Luckily we have a generator and dave went out and started...and he drove me to work (Katie will pick me up at 11:30 when we get otu today)...but I get south of Rochester and it is all rain and NO snow yet at home it is WINTER WONDERLAND!!!!!
Anyhow, sorry for the interuption to normal posting, back to my post...

You know, I like Thanksgiving. It is a mellow holiday with good food and some good family time. I like black Friday, not that I would go out at 2 a.m. but I might go out at 6, might...but most likely not...especially seeing I don't think the overall deals are that fantastic...there are some...but I am not going to buy just to buy. But why do stores have to open on Thanksgiving? Why not give employees some holiday time? Is this country just about spending cash? (Is that a silly question?) I don't get it. Run your shopping deals on-line, that works for me, and run them in the store on Wednesday...that's when I go, but can't Thanksgiving actually have any value any more?
 OK, that is my soapbox for the month.
And without trying to sound like a hypocrite, but I have my Yankee Candle mistletoe burning at night and it makes my house smell like it had a Christmas tree up, I love it. See I am not a purist, I love Christmas.
So here is my one other Thanksgiving card that I made this year. I will admit, Thanksgiving isn't all that card inspiring, but it is fun to make a few. (I think of turkey and cranberry sauce more than I think of decorating.)
For this card I used some dark yellow cardstock and this cool silver and brownish paper. The turkey is a Hero Arts stamp, as are the acorns in the corners. The saying is from Crafty Secrets Thanksgiving set which I stamped on the reverse side of the main background paper and then attached the strip.
So onto another topic...
So if my Nana was alive, she would be 102 today. I miss her a lot. She was someone I really looked up to and I loved being with her. She lived until she was 91, unfortunately with Alzheimer's the last few years. I was lucky to know her and to be able to spend some quality time with her.
And so, to wrap up this post-
So if you are traveling today, since here in the US this is the busiest travel day of the year, have a safe trip. Either way, have a great day.

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