Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Snow is SLOWLY Melting

The snow is going away little by little....I admit, it just feels strange...not November...not with the white on the ground. I actually miss all the brown leaves laying on the ground and the plants wilting away in the gardens as they die off for the season. It looks so weird, colored and green leaves still on lots of trees, and a few bare trees too, and then the white or muddy ground. At work down at the seacoast there is barely any snow left at all, but not here in the woods of New Hampshire.
There's still a lot of people without power in the state too. And the nights have been SO cold. I keep my fingers crossed for them.
I guess I am just a traditionalist when it comes to the seasons and how things are suppose to be.
Think I'll go back to the beach...
Here's a photo of a beach on Ocracoke Island in North Carolina. There's so much beach that on a Sunday in July there's hardly anyone visable...I used some October Afternoon paper, some yellow Viva dimensional paint dots, some die cuts I made with a Cuttlebug die, a few stickers...some from October Afternoon...
This page is the right summer beach color.
This page works for me. I outlined the photo with some white pen and black Sharpie, and I used some Copic markers to color. I found this bookmark at the Outer Bank National Seashore store near Hatteras Light. I like what it adds to the page. Plus it only cost 15 cents...nice price for an embellishment. (And ignore the shadows from the rings of the 3 ring binder I am making the cover of my album.) I love the title and the doodling here.
I also love this page. I distressed the watercolor paper with pink and mango Memories ink, and then I stamped some swirls (Prima) with the same pink ink. I used scraps of paper and a page torn from an old book, added some Viva dimensional white paint dows and a trim scrap and some bakery twine. The saying is stamped onto the page. I love how this page the background is just enough for the photo.
So tonight we have National Honor Society Induction...won't be a super late night but will keep me out a bit later than usual. And it is hump day, already.
This is the last full week of the quarter and I am now in wrap up and coast mode...the kids finishing up work and getting ready for exams on Monday and Tuesday. That is amazing that we are there already.
And you know, it is only November 2cd but it already feels quieter than last month.
Maybe it just feels mentally quieter.
And maybe now that I am knitting the tam hat I wanted to try and I am starting to settle into winter mode...the snow did that to me. Plus this month is so chopped up with Vetran's Day holiday weekend and Thanksgiving weekend...and new classes next week...
Enough of my chatter.
Have a great day!

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