Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

So it is Thanksgiving week. To celebrate, a few cards I'll show you. This one has an image that looks terribly crooked, but it is more my photo cropping than image, to an extent. In real life it looks a bit crooked, I must have messed up cutting the edge. Anyhow, this card is fun and I love it anyhow, crooked edge or not. It is a coloring card...I started with blue cardstock and an image from Impression Obsession which I love and is so fallish. I love coloring too, and I did this with Copics so the colors are bright. I purposefully made it look late autumn, with brown leaves. The Pilgrim girl from Hero Arts, as is the little leaf and the saying. I dashed the line to look like stitching .
So yesterday Dave and I had a successful shopping day together. Plus we had fun together. We managed to get Katie a few more Christmas gifts so I can say she is almost fact, if I didn't find anything else I could give her what I have and be ok. But she is my one and only so I tend to SPOIL her a bit. But I love doing that!!! (I can hear my Puritanical mother in my head right now....oh Puritanical, maybe that word comes to mind with the little Puritan Pilgrim girl on this card!!!) Anyhow, I am now stocked up on things I need-which feels good. I hate when I feel like we need something and I don't have it...maybe because I am so busy that getting ti isn't walys the easiest or most convenient.
Speaking of busy, that is my week ahead. Tuesday I have Battle of the Clasess at school for National Honor Society-that starts at 6 pm so it means a long day, Wednesday we have a half of day of school but then I am suppose to meet Katie to go shopping-watching the weather though and there's a chance we might have snow...good thing I got my snow tires put on last Friday. Then Thursday we go off for Thanksgiving and Saturday we have a hockey game over in Portland, Maine-but that should be a lot of fun. My I get a 4 1/2 day holiday weekend but I am sure like all weekends-long and short- it will FLY!!!!
Anyhow, enough is enough for me babbling here.
Forgot to mention...BIG race today. It is still a VERY VERY close race between Tony Stewart and Carl Edwards, and me, I am rooting for
Have a great Sunday!!!
And THANKS for stopping by.

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