Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time Flies

It can't be Saturday yet! I spent 2 days home nursing my cold, although I will say yesterday I was on the improve and by mid-afternoon was starting to mostly feel like myself again...hurray!  I am off this morning with my friend Vicky for a little girl time out. That's about it on my agenda...but it is a good agenda item to have.
And do you know, we had snow flurries last night- AGAIN! I haven't even gotten my snow tires yet.
It is a fun card Saturday. Love this card, though it is SO simple. Maybe that's why I love it...I am a simple kind of gal. 
All stamps are Paper Smooches. I used white card stock, punched a heart on some red paper, stamped the frog on whitre and colored him, al the hearts are stamped and colored directly onto the cardstock.
Have a great Saturday everyone!

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