Wednesday, November 16, 2011

When it is dark early

So yesterday ended up being one of those NON-STOP busy days. Wore me out. And since I got home at 4:30 and it was already dark (and since it was cloudy and that made it seem dark even earlier than usual- needed my headlights before 4 on my way home), I went into winter mode which is to come home and put on my pj bottoms, not my sweats. Pretty pathetic but felt so comfy, and man, I was wiped out and needed a little nap-attack.
A little news on my front...So think I might sign up for my first ever craft fair to happen in early December. My one reservation about participating is just the time...not for the fair itself but for getting my goods prepared-as I have things but of course most of my things aren't 100% in order and organized... and I am SO busy as it is I don't know if I have or want to spend the time getting ready for it. And all the things to think about to in order to sell at a fair. But maybe it is just me over-reacting and I say to should just go on with what you have and go with that. It would be a good experience to do it- and I would be proud of myself to do it...BUT once again...working full time at a BUSY job and then having normal holiday things to do...the hubby is pushing for me to do it...hmmm...Mr. NO Time Management Skills...what am I thinking listening to him? Usually gets me in trouble, but I do would be a good thing for me to do.
I just don't know if doing it would add some extra stress on these already burdened shoulders...
OK, the shoulder analogy is a bit over done, I know. My burden is nothing compared to some people's, I know that too.

This card uses a really fun set from Paper Smooches that celebrates breakfast!!! I LOVE breakfast, wish I had time for a big one every day. Did I tell you about the apple bread French toast and yummy slab bacon and the breakfast I made last Sunday morning?
Anyhow this card uses orange cardstock and a slightly lighter orange paper, some 7Gypsies tape, some white pen to make the little stitching lines and then lots of Paper Smooches images stamped on white and colored, then cut out and laid out here. I love how the egg is put up like a sun...which is such a good morning image, isn't it?
I hope we have some sun today...and I really want an egg with bacon and toast right now.
Thanks for stopping by...

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